10 Ways To Keep Your Dog Safe In The Summer

10 Ways To Keep Your Dog Safe In The Summer

Dogs are still one of the safest animals to own, the CDC says they kill about 20 people every year that's less than bee stings, lightning, and even apples!

Summer is an excellent time for you, your family, and your dog. There are many places to go, things to do, and fun to be had. However, you must be aware of your dog's safety during the summer months. This article will be looking at ten ways you can keep your dog safe during the summer.

  1. Be prepared for hot temperatures by checking the weather before you go.
  2. Groom your dog so that it may stay cool and comfortable.
  3. Bring water for your dog with a portable bowl.
  4. Bring a portable kennel.
  5. Walk your dog during the cooler hours of the day.
  6. Keep your dog on a leash to prevent them from running away.
  7. Brush up on first aid in case of emergencies.
  8. Get your dog microchipped.
  9. Take steps to prevent fleas and ticks.
  10. Have a close friend or family member care for your dog if you are unreachable for an extended period of time.

We hope you enjoyed our article about ways to keep your dog safe in the summer. With this knowledge, you can go out and do fun activities with your dog while keeping them safe in the summer heat. So what are you waiting for? 

Get outside with your best friend and enjoy the summer weather!
